Lotus Pond Yoga
in the BHG Living Room
Yoga for everyone
Join Kris in The Living Room to practice yoga in various ways together. Depending on the day, we'll be focusing on meditation, hatha asana, vinyasa flow, yin, or some combination. No previous experience necessary.
Beginning Thursday 29 September until the Living Room becomes too cold:
Thursday 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Sunday 8-9 a.m.
Monday 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Please enter our Living Room practice space quietly so yogis may begin to settle in.
Sessions are free, though any contribution you'd like to make will pass straight through to local nonprofits serving community needs aligned with our values. Currently, we are contributing to two nonprofits: Great Start Reading Program of northeast Michigan and Hope Shores in Alpena.
The store is open for participants after sessions outside of regular store hours.